Course Description

Algebra is the branch of mathematics which focuses on solving problems through the use of abstract symbols. The use of abstract symbols is the part that will be new to students.
The following is a brief list of the topics included in Algebra 1:
- The Language and Tools of Algebra
- Solving Linear Equations
- Functions and Patterns
- Analyzing Linear Equations
- Solving Systems of Linear Equations
- Solving Linear Inequalities
- Polynomials
- Factoring
- Quadratic Functions
- Other Non-Linear Function
The video below explains one of the main topics in this course.
The natural progression of this course is Geometry.
Algebra Zoom link for the 2021-2022 School Year is highlighted yellow.
Topic: Algebra 1 Online with K.J.JR. 2021-2022
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 114 047 701
See your notes from the first day of class for the password to our Zoom meeting room.
Note: Assignment named with HW are Home Work, those with OHW are Optional Home Work and those named with CW are Class Work.
Algebra 1 Downloads
The button marked, “Graph Paper,” will download a two sided graph paper.