Students who do well in math takes pride in knowing they master a skill and the use of their Math Tools that others find daunting.
The Math Tools necessary for math mastery are not innate. With diligent work and practice, most students can attain conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, procedural fluency and problem-solving skills. In other words, math is very rewarding to anyone investing the time, effort and having the necessary resources to do well in math.
At this time, you will now hear form Senior Math Teacher and Department Head Mr. Khavansky Johnson M.Sc.
The Top 5 Resources required to do well in Mathematics
1. Right attitude; willingness to learn
2. Fundamentals of the 4 basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication & division) and knowing when to apply these operations in various forms and logic
3. Basic utensils, example pencil, notebook, calculator & mathematics book
4. A great instructor that knows how to break down mathematical concept in a sequential order and see the relativity and the common thread from a holistic standpoint
5. Access to the internet to investigate more about different mathematical theorems and how they are applied. The internet can also be a tutoring piece to clear up any misunderstandings.
Secondly, you will now hear from Senior Math Teacher Mr. Jalvin McCalla M.Ed.
The Top 5 Resources required to do well in Mathematics

In looking at the top 5 resources students need for success in math:
1. The student themselves must show up to learn (they are the most valuable resource….’human resource’.)
2. Having shown up, the attitude and aptitude to learn and take on challenges should be there.
3. Students need to have malleable or growth mindset: willing to adapt and take on challenges with an open mind ….
4. Having or tending toward problem solving skill/mindset….
5. The physical resources that are required for the course such as pencil, ruler, calculator, geometry set, graph papers, textbook etc.
Thirdly, you will now hear from Senior Math Teacher and Instructional Team Leader Mr. Robert Steede M.Ed.
The Top 5 Resources required to do well in Mathematics

1. I believe the most important resource is the willingness to try. This has been reinforced for me on several occasions. Two situations which particularly stand out for me was a student who in her third year of senior school took an applied mathematics course but in her fourth year asked to be placed in Advanced Mathematics, there were many topics she did not cover in the applied course but she persevered, completing the Advanced Mathematics course as one of the top students. A similar situation occurred with a student who struggled in her third year but was determined to take calculus. They were willing to work, sometimes fail but always learning from their failure.
2. Moreover, another valuable resource is being prepared to review new and old material.
3. Success in mathematics comes from practice, practice and more practice. Going hand in hand with the second, is to seek help, ask questions. Be prepared to attend tutorial sessions, research, YouTube, the options are far more than when I was a student.
4. For me, a distant fourth would be aptitude.
5. Affinity for mathematics. It are distant fourth and fifth for me because talent will take you only so far, the development of that talent will be required to maximize a student’s potential.
It should be noted, that these Excellent Mathematicians did not meet to prioritize their top 5 resources that student needs to do well in math. In addition, their number one Math Tool/Resource is willingness to learn.
You have heard from the gentlemen. Lastly, you will now hear from Veteran Educator Ms. Ellen-Kate Horton:
The Top 5 Resources required to do well in Mathematics
This is difficult for me as I am teaching at so many levels. I will look at primary.
1. Strong teachers (at all levels)
2. Hands on materials such as cards, dice, place value charts, flash cards etc. to assist with the understanding of various concepts (much depends on the age of the child)
3. Base ten blocks
4. Geometry sets
5. Online resources where concepts can be reinforced (math games are helpful)
In concluding, you can agree with me that, the student is the number one resource. Note, perception is reality. If you think you can’t or you think you can, it is true. Math is a rewarding subject and will reward you for quality investment: Investing in understanding the concepts, practicing the concepts and becoming an expert in Math.
The Math Tools below, titled Mr. Johnson’s Amazon Picks, are tools that could enhance your performance in math and transcend your Math Classes.